The Facility Builders & Erectors team worked on a large sections of this waste refuse and recycling facility throughout 2017 and 2018. Facility Builders & Erectors, Inc. will be completing another phase on this project in 2019. Construction of a

Bay Lift at a Facility Builders Transfer Station Expansion project (from original 2007-2011 build), New MRF Enclosure, C&D Enclosure and Site Improvements. Pre-Engineered Metal Building. Coordinated expansion and new buildings with existing operations.

Construction of a new medical waste treatment & disposal facility utilizing the latest in automated technology to treat bio- hazardous waste using high heat. The facility converts high-volume, low-density, infectious medical-waste into high-density, sanitized char which can be readily landfilled.

FB&E are installing a large waste heat exchanger for the duct system.

The Facility Builders Team is performing a site improvement for a local school district. The men are in the process of drilling a 5 by 25 feet deep vertical well, creating a storm water retention infiltration system. The storm water

Facility Builders and Erectors has erected an administration office for a transfer station/material recovery facility. This combination of pre-engineered systems and conventional construction showcases Facility Builders' specialized building construction.